
Showing posts from November, 2013


Acts 20:19a NKJV "serving the Lord with all humility," It is important to understand that God is not just concerned with the results in our ministry. Two can give toward the work of God, but with totally different reasons. Most often, people do their spiritual activities, not for the glory of God, but for their glory. How do you feel when you give someone a help and they don't say thank you? When you give a large amount of money and they don't mention your name? Paul was not just serving the Lord, but he was doing it with ALL humility. It is my prayer that you too will serve the Lord in a spirit of humility. God bless you all.


It is amazing every time I hear people preaching the gospel of grace, they always put buts and brakes. Because people don't really know how wicked and desperate they are, they would never be apologetic in their discourse about grace. I have been a christian for sometime now, adding to that I have been a preacher of the gospel for some years, but I strongly believe the grace of God is what has brought me this far. I mean grace plus my failures. The only thing I have contributed to be what I am I believe it is not my good, rather my bad. I am not happy to say that but it is the truth. If you are there because you have been faithful in your walk with God, I admire you. My boast is in His Grace alone. And for that I am forever grateful. God bless you all.